Category: Videos
Rear Adm. Ken Perry, USN Ret., vice president for product integration and concept development at General Dynamics Electric Boat, discusses Aerial footage of Mountain Home AFB’s F-15 Strike Eagle training for a deployment in support of Operation Inherent Resolve.
Final recap of the 2017 Department of the Navy Forum for SBIR/STTR Transition. Now in its seventeenth year, the Forum DARPAs Tactical Technology Office (TTO) focuses on conceiving, designing, developing, and testing advanced technology platforms that provide U.S. forces A video package giving an overview of Exercise Operation Pacific Reach in Pohang, Korea. Video shows Soldiers and Sailors
Sailors from the Los Angeles class-attack submarine USS Toledo (SSN 769) try out a prototype submarine steam suit ensemble during
The following is footage of USS Detroit (LCS-7) firing its 57 mm gun in a series of tests that sank Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson delivers remarks as the principal speaker during the christening ceremony of the The cumulative effect of years of continuing resolutions in lieu of multiyear budgets has been a weakening of the The strategic assumptions involved with balancing military capability, capacity and readiness have changed in recent years, Air Force Chief