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Category: Videos

VIDEO: Replenishment-At-Sea. USS Bataan, USNS Washington ChambersDoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: Replenishment-At-Sea. USS Bataan, USNS Washington Chambers

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJpZQTmqAXg 5TH FLEET AREA OF OPERATIONS (April 28, 2017) The amphibious assault ship USS Bataan (LHD 5) conducts a replenishment-at-sea
VIDEO: 380th Air Expeditionary Wing employs all five Air Force Core MissionsDoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: 380th Air Expeditionary Wing employs all five Air Force Core Missions

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zb34q4rUHOE The 380th Air Expeditionary Wing is the only Wing in the Air Force that employs all five of the
VIDEO: Paratroopers drive new battlefield vehiclesDoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: Paratroopers drive new battlefield vehicles

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M96220Lie68 Paratroopers from the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division drive and maneuver with the units newest equipment. The
VIDEO: U.S. land-based intercontinental ballistic missile Minuteman III Operational Test LaunchDoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: U.S. land-based intercontinental ballistic missile Minuteman III Operational Test Launch

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXVTeDay794 On April 26 Airmen from F.E. Warren, Offutt and Vandenberg air force bases conducted an operational test launch of
VIDEO: S2ME2 ANTX 2017DoD/Military/Pentagon


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9DYQSLUrBI Video coverage (BROLL) of the VTOL Fixed Wing UAV exercise during the S2ME2 ANTX 2017 event. The event is
VIDEO: FAST Marines | Deployment TrainingDoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: FAST Marines | Deployment Training

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfYbyw67QRo Marines from Company C, Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team, Marine Corps Security Force Regiment, conduct site security, close quarters combat
VIDEO: DARPA Completes Testing of Subscale Hybrid Electric VTOL X-PlaneDoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: DARPA Completes Testing of Subscale Hybrid Electric VTOL X-Plane

DARPA has completed flight-testing of a sub-scale version of a novel aircraft design as part of its Vertical Takeoff and
VIDEO: Mattis, Resolute Support Commander Speak to PressDoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: Mattis, Resolute Support Commander Speak to Press

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrQLORupJL4 Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Army Gen. John Nicholson, Commander, Resolute Support and United States Forces Afghanistan, brief the
VIDEO: USS Theodore Roosevelt Conducts Flight OperationsDoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: USS Theodore Roosevelt Conducts Flight Operations

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0L3Ldyqi6UM PACIFIC OCEAN (April 18, 2017) Aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) conducts flight operations. Theodore Roosevelt is underway
VIDEO: Experimentation Advanced Naval Technology Exercise 2017DoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: Experimentation Advanced Naval Technology Exercise 2017

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBGmEcco7KA B-Roll package of the Ship-to-Shore Maneuver Exploration and Experimentation Advanced Naval Technology Exercise 2017 at Marine Corps Base Camp