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Category: Videos

VIDEO: Facts About the CV90GovCon Leaders

VIDEO: Facts About the CV90

VIDEO: Inside the Fight for the Pentagon’s CloudGovCon Leaders

VIDEO: Inside the Fight for the Pentagon’s Cloud

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWtc0jtlAk8 Jun.08 — Cloud computing companies are competing for the Pentagon’s cloud. It’s a planned winner-take-all award for a multibillion-dollar
VIDEO: It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane…GovCon Leaders

VIDEO: It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane…

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvzZvi4bSr0 Marines with 3rd Air Delivery Platoon, Landing Support Company, 3rd Transportation Support Battalion, 3rd Marine Logistics Group, conducted a
VIDEO: Cislunar Space Habitation – Paving the Way to MarsGovCon Leaders

VIDEO: Cislunar Space Habitation – Paving the Way to Mars

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMAHkm7W964 Originally published on May 9, 2018 Orbital ATK™s vision for the next step toward human space missions to Mars
VIDEO: Exercise Saber Strike: Air defense artilleryDoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: Exercise Saber Strike: Air defense artillery

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbyDXeAtc2I Air Defense Artillery Soldiers from across the U.S. work alongside NATO partners and allies during Saber Strike 18. It
VIDEO: Underwater Weapons StingDoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: Underwater Weapons Sting

VIDEO: USS Gerald R. Ford Replenishment At SeaVideos

VIDEO: USS Gerald R. Ford Replenishment At Sea

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gLLv7TkkvY ATLANTIC OCEAN (June 5, 2018) The aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) comes alongside the fleet replenishment
VIDEO: Ancient Organics Discovered on MarsDoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: Ancient Organics Discovered on Mars

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0gsz8EHiNc The Curiosity rover has discovered ancient organic molecules on Mars, embedded within sedimentary rocks that are billions of years
VIDEO: LCS 11: One Step Closer to the U.S. Navy FleetDoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: LCS 11: One Step Closer to the U.S. Navy Fleet

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-81WQncx5CE Littoral Combat Ship 11, the future USS Sioux City, has completed Acceptance Trials and is now one step closer

Protected: VIDEO: Raytheon Employee Resource Groups: An Introduction

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