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Category: GovCon Leaders

VIDEO: WATM 2017: Precision landing with JPALSDoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: WATM 2017: Precision landing with JPALS

Ben Vogal talks to Robert Delorge, VP, Transportation & Support Services at Raytheon, on their Joint Precision Approach Landing System
VIDEO: Profiles in Leadership: Vice Adm. Jan TigheDoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: Profiles in Leadership: Vice Adm. Jan Tighe

Our female Sailors “ like Vice Adm. Jan Tighe “ and civilians have a long and distinguished legacy of service
VIDEO: Engineering Creativity at Northrop GrummanGovCon Leaders

VIDEO: Engineering Creativity at Northrop Grumman

At the Fast Company Creativity Counterconference (FC/LA) attendees experienced a rare behind-the-scenes visit to global aerospace and security company Northrop
VIDEO: BAE’s Perry on Naval Guns, Projectiles and Electromagnetic CannonsGovCon Leaders

VIDEO: BAE’s Perry on Naval Guns, Projectiles and Electromagnetic Cannons

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXznyQ-efro John Perry, director of business development for weapons systems at BAE Systems, discusses automated ammunition handling for naval guns,
VIDEO: DRS Technologies’ Sexauer on Naval Lasers, Guns and Power SystemsGovCon Leaders

VIDEO: DRS Technologies’ Sexauer on Naval Lasers, Guns and Power Systems

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rnt2yCZYq2Q Roger Sexauer, executive vice president for business development at DRS Technologies, discusses naval lasers, guns, propulsion and power systems
VIDEO: Space Experts – The People Behind SBIRSGovCon Leaders

VIDEO: Space Experts – The People Behind SBIRS

Ever wonder what it takes to get satellites in space? Our team shares some insights about this critical, multi-mission program
VIDEO: Surface Naval Association Symposium kicks off.DoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: Surface Naval Association Symposium kicks off.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj2Xdzxu8k8 SNA 2017 begins in Crystal City, Virginia.
CNO Visits Naval Station Guantanamo BayDoD/Military/Pentagon

CNO Visits Naval Station Guantanamo Bay
