Category: GovCon Leaders
Bryan Clark, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments in Washington, discusses defense appropriations, US Navy budget Defense Secretary Jim Mattis speaks with reporters following a meeting with officials from Saudi Arabia regarding regional security matters, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson delivers remarks as the principal speaker during the christening ceremony of the The cumulative effect of years of continuing resolutions in lieu of multiyear budgets has been a weakening of the The strategic assumptions involved with balancing military capability, capacity and readiness have changed in recent years, Air Force Chief Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John M. Richardson describes the challenges posed by an increased operations tempo, the fight Air Force Gen. John E. Hyten, commander of U.S. Strategic Command, delivers his opening statement on Stratcom programs at Vice Adm. Jan Tighe, deputy chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare and director of Naval Intelligence, moderated the
John “Jerry” McGinn, PhD, acting deputy assistant secretary of defense for manufacturing and industrial base policy, discusses Buy American, international
Ben Vogel speaks to Lawrence Let, Director Global ATM, Boeing, and William Peterson, Project Engineer, Environmental Performance, Boeing, on their