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Category: GovCon Leaders

VIDEO: Military And VIP Presence Increases At ITEC 2017DoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: Military And VIP Presence Increases At ITEC 2017

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9bol82HonQ This year’s ITEC took place in Rotterdam, Netherlands, for the first time and the Dutch Ministry of Defence had
VIDEO: Intel Briefing – US DoD Budget FY18 – First look analysisDoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: Intel Briefing – US DoD Budget FY18 – First look analysis

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sh-KskohFyk The team examines the plans for the Army’s tactical vehicle modernization programs, the Navy’s key shipbuilding plans, the Air-Force’s
VIDEO: AUVSI’s Xponential 2017 Show HighlightsGovCon Leaders

VIDEO: AUVSI’s Xponential 2017 Show Highlights

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SrDXayXWWc While the commercial market has dominated AUVSI Xponential this year in Dallas, some military platforms have been unveiled, including
VIDEO: Arati Prabhakar: Changing What’s Possible (DARPA “Wait, What?”)GovCon Leaders

VIDEO: Arati Prabhakar: Changing What’s Possible (DARPA “Wait, What?”)

Dr. Arati Prabhakar, the director of DARPA, describes DARPA’s big ambitions for the future of technology and national security. She
Rockwell Collins in CanadaDoD/Military/Pentagon

Rockwell Collins in Canada

VIDEO: Airborne-Unmanned 05.30.17: Wynne Testifies, Drone Av FUSE, Camcopter S-100GovCon Leaders

VIDEO: Airborne-Unmanned 05.30.17: Wynne Testifies, Drone Av FUSE, Camcopter S-100

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7jtOdjTjGM On May 23rd, Wynne told Congress that for UAS to continue to be integrated into the airspace ” and
VIDEO: Officials Brief Media on Fiscal 2018 DoD Budget ProposalGovCon Leaders

VIDEO: Officials Brief Media on Fiscal 2018 DoD Budget Proposal

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgZH32edCN0 John Roth, performing the duties of Defense Department chief financial officer and comptroller, and Army Lt. Gen. Anthony R.
VIDEO: DoD Lab Day 2017DoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: DoD Lab Day 2017

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0pkkql5K9E DoD™s Lab Day event held in the Pentagon™s courtyard, May 18, 2017, showcased more than 80 exhibits of technical
VIDEO: RADM Luther Briefs Dept. of the Navy’s FY18 Budget RequestGovCon Leaders

VIDEO: RADM Luther Briefs Dept. of the Navy’s FY18 Budget Request

Rear Adm. Brian Luther, deputy assistant secretary of the Navy for budget, briefed media during a Department of Defense press
VIDEO: USAF’s Bogdan Gives Final F-35 Lightning II Progress Report as JSF Program PEODoD/Military/Pentagon

VIDEO: USAF’s Bogdan Gives Final F-35 Lightning II Progress Report as JSF Program PEO

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=343WvMpJXs4 In his final interview in uniform, Lt. Gen. Chris Bogdan, USAF, program executive officer for the F-35 Lighting II