Category: Foreign Military Sales
The State Department has approved Japan’s foreign military sales request to procure Standard Missile 6 Block I Missiles and related equipment
The State Department has approved the two foreign military sale requests of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in
The State Department has approved a request from South Korea to procure items intended to enhance its fleet of KDX-II destroyers.
The State Department has approved the possible foreign military sale of AIM-120D3 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles and related equipment valued at
The State Department has approved India’s potential $1.17 billion foreign military sales request for MH-60R multimission helicopter equipment and follow-on support
The State Department has approved South Korea’s foreign military sale request for E-7 Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircraft, related
The State Department has cleared Argentina’s foreign military sale request for F-16 Aircraft equipment and support worth an estimated $941 million.
The State Department has cleared Denmark’s request to purchase AIM-120D-3 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles for approximately $744 million. The
The State Department has approved the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s request to purchase tube-launched, optically-tracked, wireless-guided, radio frequency TOW 2A
The State Department has cleared a potential foreign military sale to Japan of Rolling Airframe Missile Block 2B Tactical Missiles and