Potomac Officers Club (POC) hosted its highly-anticipated Optimizing the Hybrid Workforce Forum on Thursday to bring together the significant members from across the federal government and industry to discuss how to ensure a strong workforce culture, uncover risks that may undermine mission effectiveness and leverage data to inform change management and transformation.
Angela Bailey, chief human capital officer for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), acted as the keynote speaker for the Forum and provided an overview exploring the long-term implications of a hybrid workforce model for federal agencies and how data analytics can inform key decisions around workforce composition and transformation.
After a brief history recap and some opening remarks from Chrissy Cocrane, vice president of management advisory services at LMI, who served as the keynote introducer, Angela Bailey took the platform to address the virtual audience.
Check out the Potomac Officers Clubâs Event Page to rewatch the Optimizing the Hybrid Workforce Forum on-demand and any other of POCâs forums that you may have missed recently.

Bailey began her keynote address with a bold statement. âWe have always worked and lived in a distributed hybrid environment.â She broke down the communications weâve had throughout history from smoke signals to written letters to telephones and the technology of the modern-day.
She expressed that despite her working in offices across four decades in the federal government, the U.S. military, the civilian sector and certain agencies like the Social Security Administration (SSA) have always been spread far and wide across the globe and yet weâre been able to set new goals, accomplish them and drive innovation.
Her point was to illustrate that success isnât tied to just one location and moving forward, we all need to work to develop a global telework culture thatâs inclusive that creates opportunities to get work done and build rapport regardless of our locations.
âBe deliberate in creating those opportunities that drive the culture you want.],â said Bailey. And then we live and breathe your purpose. The mission is great for finding ways for people to explore and find their purpose. Ultimately, thatâs what will make both them and your organization grow.â
Check out the Potomac Officers Clubâs Event Page to rewatch the Optimizing the Hybrid Workforce Forum on-demand and any other of POCâs forums that you may have missed recently.

On Thursday, Oct. 14th, Potomac Officers Club will host its seventh annual Intel Summit to bring the members of the federal landscape to discuss current priorities and programs for intelligence agencies and new initiatives for the future.
LTG Scott Berrie of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the National Reconnaissance Office’s (NRO) Dr. Susan Durha and ODNI’s Lora Shiao will serve as the keynote speakers for the highly anticipated summit with two full expert panel discussions as well to continue the conversation about how intelligence officials incorporate cutting-edge technology and techniques to gather intelligence and combat adversaries.