TYSONS CORNER, VA, March 30, 2020 — General Atomics is demonstrating the potential of its extended-range Gray Eagle unmanned aerial system to support multidomain operations through a series of tests, ExecutiveBiz reported March 9.
Chris Pehrson, vice president of strategic development for Department of Defense customers at General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc., said the company will work to update the system’s payload, datalink software and other components to help the U.S. Army counter targets, National Defense magazine reported March 6.
“As an enduring system in the aviation portfolio, GA-ASI believes Gray Eagle ER can operate from safe sanctuary, maintain extreme persistence, and has the size, weight and power to deliver winning effects on the battlefield,” Pehrson added.
The company performed two demonstrations in November and January, and it is scheduled to conduct a third demo in June.
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