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Bloomberg: USAF Expects Sept. Release of GAO’s ‘Declassified’ Bomber Contract Bid Protest Ruling Documents

Air Force B-21The U.S. Air Force could finish a declassified copy of the Government Accountability Office‘s decision to uphold the military branch’s selection of Northrop Grumman (NYSE: NOC) over a Boeing (NYSE: BA)-Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) team for the Long Range Strike Bomber program around late September, Bloomberg reported Wednesday.

Anthony Capaccio writes the Air Force will redact GAO’s findings in the LRSB contract bid challenge to protect classified government and business sensitive information.

The report said Northrop, Boeing and Lockheed still have to review the redacted form of GAO’s ruling documents  prior to its public release.

“Within the next month to two months we’ll probably have something out unless something changes, ” Lt. Gen. Arnold Bunch, military deputy to the assistant Air Force secretary for acquisition, told Bloomberg.

Northrop was awarded the contract in October to develop the B-21 aircraft.

The program could be worth around $80 billion, Capaccio reports.

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