NASA has formed a consortium to equip the standard space mission life cycle with in-space servicing, assembly and manufacturing innovations.
The Aerospace Corp. was tasked with operating the Consortium for Space Mobility and ISAM Capabilities to facilitate collaborative work among government agencies, companies, academic institutions and nonprofit entities, NASA said Thursday.
An ISAM system includes tasks necessary to repair, retrofit, relocate and refuel spacecraft. The process also involves the use of 3D printing technology to assemble and fabricate components in space.
“This new consortium provides a place for all parties to coordinate and collaborate on capability development, business cases and mission applications,” said Jim Reuter, associate administrator of NASA’s space technology mission directorate.
COSMIC’s kickoff meeting is scheduled to occur in the fall of 2023.

Leaders from the government and GovCon industry will gather at the Potomac Officers Club’s 2023 Industrial Space Defense Summit on April 27 to discuss space defense technology advancements. Register here.