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Carlyle Group Exec Larry Prior Appointed to Shift5 Board

Larry Prior, an operating executive for global investment firm The Carlyle Group and five-time Wash100 Award recipient, has been named to the board of directors of cybersecurity and data collection company Shift5.

He joins the board as the Rosslyn, Virginia-based security technology provider aims to strengthen its foothold in the defense and commercial markets, Shift5 said Thursday.

In his current role at Carlyle, Prior oversees the firm’s investment efforts within the defense, aerospace and government services arenas.

His GovCon industry experience includes prior leadership positions at CSRA, which General Dynamics (NYSE: GD) acquired in 2018, Computer Sciences Corp.’s North American public sector arm, BAE Systems, ManTech International (Nasdaq: MANT) and Science Applications International Corp. (NYSE: SAIC).

Prior also serves as chairman of Two Six Technologies and a director at analytics company Novetta, which is being acquired by Accenture Federal Services from Carlyle.

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