The proliferation of wearable technology and the biofeedback and neurofeedback data it generates have created new opportunities to quantify and evaluate tactical athletes’ performance and leverage quantitative data to design the highest performing squads.
During Potomac Officers Club’s Future Battlefield Series: Soldier Performance Virtual Event on November 19th, notable speakers will address how the nation can leverage human performance expertise from the military, industry and academia to position warfighters to optimize their cognitive and physical wellbeing throughout the entire mission lifecycle, spanning from training to mission execution and after action.
To register for the virtual event, as well as view upcoming opportunities, visit Potomac Officers Club’s Event Page.
Doug Tamilio, director of Combat Capabilities Development Center (CCDC), Soldier Center (SC) with the U.S. Army, will be featured as a keynote speaker during Potomac Officers Club’s Future Battlefield Series: Soldier Performance Virtual Event.
The virtual event will also host an expert panel, featuring Michael Baum of the U.S. Army, Dr. JoEllen Sefton (Ph.D, ATC, LAT) of Auburn University, Paddy Steinfort a professional sports expert, and Dr. Robb Wilcox of the U.S. Army. The panel will be moderated by Joel Dillon of Booz Allen Hamilton.
Keynote Speaker: Doug Tamilio

Tamilio is responsible for the planning, programming, coordination and execution of CCDC SC’s science and technology innovations to ensure America’s warfighters are optimized, protected and lethal. CCDC SC supports all of the Army’s Modernization efforts, with the Soldier Lethality and Synthetic Training Environment Cross Functional Teams.
The center’s science and engineering expertise are combined with collaborations with industry, Department of Defense (DoD) and academia to advance Soldier and squad performance. The center supports the Army as it transforms from being adaptive to driving innovation to support a Multi-Domain Operations Capable Force of 2028 and a MDO Ready Force of 2035.
Moderator: Joel Dillon

Dillon is a technical leader in Booz Allen’s Army portfolio, focused on Digital Battlefield and Soldier Solutions.
He also serves as a leader in Booz Allen’s Chief Translation Office, a program that works across multiple portfolios to translate technical and operational requirements, bring innovation to the Army, and create talented teams that excel in delivering quality solutions to Booz Allen’s clients.
Prior to joining Booz Allen, he served as senior technical PM for Amazon Web Services (AWS), where he was responsible for partnering with the Intelligence Community and supervising the launch of the first cloud computing region capable of handling workloads at the Government’s Secret classification level.
Panelist: Michael Baum

Michael Baum serves as branch chief for the Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC) Aviation and Missile Center (AvMC) Software, Simulation, Systems Engineering and Integration (S3I) Directorate Trainers/Human Dimensions Branch.
Baum has worked to develop and deploy cohesive training solutions utilizing Immersive technologies, Cognitive Enhancement and Human Performance training to a host of Army, Department of Defense (DoD) and federal government entities.
Panelist: Dr. JoEllen Sefton

JoEllen Sefton, Ph.D, ATC, LAT is the director of the Auburn University Warrior Research Center, with the mission to assist the US Armed Forces in improving the physical and technical skills, equipment, health and performance of our Military, Families and Veterans.
Sefton studies neuromuscular and physiological effects of orthopedic and neuromuscular injury; and the rehabilitation and therapeutic methods used to treat these injuries.
Sefton developed and led the Warrior Athletic Training Program at Ft. Benning which provided sports medicine care and injury prevention, and performance improvement across most of the Ft Benning units across 8 years.
Panelist: Paddy Steinfort

As a former professional football player and coach in the biggest sport in Australia, Steinfort has a unique perspective on the application of positive psychology in elite teams, and the impact it can have on the performance of groups as well as the well-being of the communities surrounding them.
Since graduating his Masters of Applied Positive Psychology with distinction from the University of Pennsylvania, he has provided mental performance coaching and leadership consultancy to NFL, NBA, NCAA and MLB teams, as well as leading research on the components of mental toughness that lead to positive performances.
Panelist: Dr. Robb C. Wilcox

Wilcox is currently the DEVCOM SC’s S&T Lead for Human Systems Performance (A). In this role, he contributes to the important Soldier Center efforts in Human Systems Performance by shaping the strategy, research activities and relationships across a breadth of RDT&E efforts in this vital research area.
He was previously the Director of the Soldier Performance Optimization Directorate at the DEVCOM SC and was responsible for approximately 120 soldier performance team leaders, scientists, engineers and specialists developing new capabilities through research and development to improve soldier performance.
To register for the virtual event, as well as view upcoming opportunities, visit Potomac Officers Club’s Event Page.