During GovConWire’s FY21 Acquisition Forum, notable federal and industry leaders will discuss the Defense Budget Reform, annual financial audit schedule adherence, Defense Acquisition System and implementation of the Adaptive Acquisition Framework.
To register for FY21 Acquisition Virtual Forum, as well as view other upcoming opportunities, visit GovConWire’s Event Page.
The virtual forum will host an expert panel, featuring Debra Daniels of Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Joe Welch of the U.S. Army and Julia Wise of National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA).
Panelist: Debra Daniels

Daniels is the vice procurement services executive for DISA, where she provides executive leadership and guidance for the procurement of net-centric technology solutions.
She is dual-hatted as the deputy director, Defense Information Technology Contracting Organization, an organization that obligated over $6 billion in contracts in FY2019 and manages a contract portfolio valued at more than $17 billion.
She is also DISA’s senior services manager responsible for the acquisition of services. Daniels served in various positions of responsibility and authority leading military, civilians, and foreign nationals.
Panelist: Joe Welch

Welch became a member of the Senior Executive Service in Jan. 2019. He has served in the appointed position of Deputy Program Executive Officer, Command, Control and Communications-Tactical (PEO C3T), Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, since June 2018.
In this capacity, Welch guides a workforce of more than 1,600 personnel supporting over 50 Army acquisition programs and efforts. Welch’s responsibilities include the development, acquisition, fielding and support of the Army’s tactical network, a critical Army priority that provides information dominance to current and future Soldiers in challenging environments worldwide.
Panelist: Julia Wise

Wise is the director of the Procurement Management and Policy Division at NASA’s Office of Procurement. In this position, Wise leads and manages acquisition policy, pricing and training for the acquisition workforce across the agency.
Her staff consists of senior acquisition professionals responsible for coordinating and reviewing acquisition statutory, regulatory and policy changes to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and NASA FAR Supplement to maintain current acquisition regulations.
This division is responsible for ensuring that NASA’s acquisition workforce is trained and certified to award and manage procurements that support NASA programmatic missions and goals. Wise is an experienced acquisition leader and manager.
During GovConWire’s FY21 Acquisition Virtual Forum on November 12th, Soraya Correa, chief procurement officer with U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), will serve as a keynote speaker. LTG David Bassett, director of the Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA), will also be featured as a keynote speaker during the event.
Join us for the FY21 Acquisition Forum to learn more about the latest initiatives and goals for the federal acquisition process, the technology procurement programs offered at DCMA, as well as how the marketplace will change moving forward.
To register for FY21 Acquisition Virtual Forum, as well as view other upcoming opportunities, visit GovConWire’s Event Page.