Siemens‘ U.S. federal arm will support the modernization of a steam plant at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico as part of a potential 21-year, $555M energy savings performance contract from the Department of Energy.
Siemens Government Technologies received a $45.8M initial task order to modernize a six-decade-old system that generates heat and supplies power to buildings on the LANL campus, the company said Wednesday.
Tina Dolph, president and CEO of SGT, said the company aims to help the lab address energy efficiency, resiliency and carbon dioxide reduction goals.
We look forward to doing our part in supporting the infrastructure that allows the researchers and scientists to perform their critical work on behalf of the nation, Dolph added.
Initial work on will focus on updating a gas turbine and installing a new generator, boilers and a high-pressure gas line. Subsequent efforts will cover replacing a steam condensate return system and building a combined heat and power system.