Were now six weeks into the 5th Annual Wash100 season and this week GovCon Executives outpaced Government Executives in the Movers This Week category of the popular vote. The top five Movers this past week were all from the private sector, which is a large shift from when we last checked in on the top Wash100 Movers three weeks ago.
The Wash100 popular vote will be open until April 30th, so make sure to get out the vote for the executives you believe will have the greatest impact on the 2018 government contracting marketplace.
The current top five Movers This Week are:

Steve Harris, SVP and general manager of Dell EMCs federal business, was selected for the 2018 Wash100 for his achievements in driving information technology modernization via innovation in cloud computing products and services. 2018 marks the third consecutive year that Harris has received the Wash100. Over the course of the past week, Harris has garnered 84 votes in the Wash100 popular vote.
Dave Rey, EVP of Salesforce Public Sector, was selected for the 2018 Wash100 for demonstrating excellence in enterprise software management, professional services and customer-oriented solutions. 2018 marks the second time that Rey has been selected for the Wash100. This week he received 76 votes.
Craig Abod, president of Carahsoft Technology, was selected to the 2018 Wash100 for his work on advancing information technology services for the federal sector. A four-time Wash100 recipient, Abod received 58 votes this week.
Bill Rowan, VP of VMwares Federal Sales department, was inducted into the 2018 Wash100 for his leadership in innovative security solutions using hybrid cloud infrastructure. 2018 also marks Rowans third consecutive year being named to the Wash100. Since last week, Rowan has received 54 votes.
Catherine Kuenzel, VP of enterprise services for Microsofts public sector business in the Americas, was inducted into the 2018 Wash100 for her leadership in managing enterprise services. 2018 marks the first time that Kuenzel has been selected to the Wash100. In the past week, she has received 50 votes.
Every vote counts, so visit the Wash100 website and vote for your ten favorite executives. You can also share your votes on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. The Wash100 popular vote polls will close on April 30th.
Congratulations to all of the GovCon and Government Executives selected to the 2018 Wash100!