During October a number of contracts valued at over a billion dollars were awarded for a variety of services such as range services, construction, healthcare staffing, foreign military sales and more. Let’s take a quick look at October’s larger contract awards.
- URS Federal Services Concludes Transition on $3.6B USAF Range Services
- NASAÂ Issues 24 Awards for $3B General Construction Follow-On Vehicle
- DHAÂ Awards 36 Spots on Potential $7.5B Military Healthcare Staffing IDIQ
- The State Department approved Lockheed Martin’s FMS deal for Greek F-16 upgrades
- BWXT-Bechtel-Honeywell JVÂ Wins $4.7B DOE Savannah River Site Liquid Waste Mgmt Contract
- The State Department approved Raytheon and Lockheed Martin’s $15B sale of THAAD missile defense systems to Saudi Arabia
- DoDÂ Seeks Proposals for $28B Information Analysis Center Multiple-Award Contract
- 68 Firms Land Spots on $25BÂ VAÂ VECTOR IDIQ
On October 26th AECOM’s URS Federal Services subsidiary completed the transition phase for a potential 16-year, $3.6 billion contract covering range support services to the U.S. Air Force. URS Federal Services finished the transition after the Air Force addressed a protest that had delayed the commencement of contract work. John Vollmer, president of AECOM’s management services group and an inductee into the 2017 Wash100, said that the contract works to support the company’s backlog growth in FY 2017. Vollmer also noted that AECOM aims to continue and further strengthen its partnership with the Air Force by delivering mission critical support. The contract covers target management services for tactics development, testing, advanced training and joint Air Force operational missions.
On October 25th NASA awarded 24 Multiple Award Construction Contract Two (MACC-II) contractsÂ
under a potential eight-year, $3 billion ID/IQ procurement vehicle for general construction services. NASA said it awarded four spots on the unrestricted portion of the MACC-II and 20 positions for the five small business set-aside categories. The task orders call for alteration, modification, maintenance, repair, demolition, design-build and construction services at Stennis and Kennedy Space Centers, Marshall Space Flight Center and Michoud Assembly Facility. The set-aside track of MACC-II is categorized into 248(a) business development programs; historically underutilized business zone; service-disabled veteran-owned small business; small business; and woman-owned small business. To see the full list of awardees, click here.
On October 23rd, the Defense Health Agency awarded 36 small-business positions on a potential five-year, $7.5 billion contract to provide medical staffing services to U.S. military treatment facilities. The multiple-award contract contains a five-year order period beginning on December 1st and will run through November 2022. Contractors will provide staff such as physicians, nurses, dental and ancillary healthcare workers to supplement the currently stationed medical professions at MTFs managed by DHA and the Air Force, Army and Navy across all U.S. territories. Click here to see the full list of awardees.
The State Department approved a potential $2.4 billion foreign military sale transaction for Lockheed Martin to convert F-16 aircraft into a Block V configuration for the Greek air force onÂ
October 18th. The proposed sale included 125Â APG-83Â active electronically scanned array radars, 123 modular mission computers, 123Â LN260Â embedded global and inertial navigation systems, 123 improved programmable display generators and 123Â Link-16Â multifunctional information distribution system-joint tactical radio systems. DCSA noted that the Greek air force seeks to modernize its F-16 fleet in a push to increase support for NATO operations, sustain future military operations and comply with national security standards.
On October 12th a joint venture of BWX Technologies’ technical services group, Honeywell International and Bechtel National won a potential 10-year, $4.7 billion contract from the Department of Energy to provide liquid waste services for the Savannah River Site in South Carolina. BWXT noted that the contract also covers liquid waste program and support, as well as operation of the salt waste processing facility following site commissioning and one-year operation.Savannah River EcoManagement LLC will run the existing radioactive liquid waste facilities and will be responsible for waste treatment, disposal and storage, removing waste from tanks and build up additional saltstone disposal units.
The State Department approved of another FMS on October 6th, allowing a potential $15 billion saleÂ
of anti-ballistic missile defense systems, related equipment and support services to Saudi Arabia. Raytheon and Lockheed Martin will act as principle contractors on the sale. The transaction covers the delivery of 44 Terminal High Altitude Area Defense launchers, 360 interceptor missiles, 16 fire control and communications mobile tactical station groups and seven AN/TPY-2 radars. THAAD battery maintenance equipment, 43 prime mover truckers, electrical power units, communications equipment, generators, test and maintenance supplies, spares and repair parts were also requested as part of the sale by Saudi Arabia.
On October 3rd the Department of Defense requested proposals for a potential nine-year, $28 billion contract for research, development, test and evaluation support and R&D-related analytical services. According to a FedBizOpps notice, the Defense Technical Information Center’s Information Analysis Center Multiple-Award Contract aims to consolidate task orders distributed across three technical task area vehicles that include defense systems, cyber security and information systems, homeland defense and security. Contractors currently holding spots on those three vehicles include AECOM, Alion Science and Technology, Battelle, Booz Allen Hamilton, Data Systems Analysts, Engility’s TASC subsidiary, Harris Corp., KBRWyle, Leidos, ManTech Int’l, and Northrop Grumman.
On October 2nd the Department of Veterans Affairs awarded 68 companies with spots on a potential 10-year, $25 billion contract vehicle covering general management and business support
services for the VA. Contractors will compete for task orders to provide analyses, training, management and improvement, supply chain support, outreach and human resources services through VA’s Veteran Enterprise Contracting for Transformation and Operational Readiness contract. VECTOR is a multiple award, ID/IQ with a five-year base period and five option years. Furthermore, VECTOR is a set-aside program for service-disabled, veteran-owned small businesses. VA will obligate $2,500 to each awardee as a minimum guaranteed amount for the contract. To view the full list of awardees, click here.