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Northrop Gets OTA Modification for DARPA Reconnaissance UAS Demonstrator Devt

TERNNorthrop Grumman (NYSE: NOC) has received a $17.8 million “other transaction” agreement modification from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to perform additional tasks under phase III of the Tactically Exploited Reconnaissance Node project.

The company will work to fabricate, assemble and checkout a second Tern unmanned air vehicle demonstrator platform for the agency, the Defense Department said Friday.

DARPA will obligate $11.8 million in fiscal 2015 and 2016 research and development funds at the time of award of the modification and Northrop is scheduled to complete work in December 2018.

DoD noted the modification will increase the total value of the OTA to approximately $150.2 million, with about $109.8 million of the funds will come from DARPA and the remaining $40.4 million will be Northrop’s cost-share contribution to the program.

Northrop secured a $93.1 million OTA in late 2015 to help DARPA build and demonstrate a medium-altitude drone technology that can launch and recover from small carrier vessels to support military reconnaissance missions.

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